The Lancaster-Rigby press department is pleased to share with you these great new reviews of the Carnival Arcane show from Horror Addicts, writer Scott Sandridge, Blackgate, Cleveland Scene, and Movie Crpyt.
Horror Addicts – “Old fans of Midnight Syndicate will not be disappointed as their trademark epic instrumental soundtrack feel is here in abundance, and you can see also that they have grown in their musical storytelling.”
Scott Sandridge (SpecMusicMuse) – “Midnight Syndicate outdo themselves with ‘Carnival Arcane’ – one of, if not the best music CD they’ve yet produced.”
Blackgate – “Each one of the twenty-five tracks is a self-contained gem of a storyline that will strike a nerve with anyone who believes there’s something more disturbing at traveling carnivals than employees without good dental plans.”
Cleveland Scene – “…somehow, after 14 years and just as many albums, the Chardon duo still manages to give us nightmares every time.”
Movie Crypt – “…another moody masterpiece“