Not for coulrophobics. The Goons & Greasepaint video has been unleashed on YouTube! Over 100 clowns from some of the most suspect carnivals around the globe would love to meet you… “This music video montage is a tribute to Midnight Syndicate’s fans,” said Edward Douglas.”We asked them to send in their best clown photos and they obliged…” The video was produced by director Michael Raisch (whose works also appears on The Dead Matter DVD bonus features). “Mike had a challenge,” added Douglas. “We asked to include as many of the entries as possible. The problem is the song is only 3 minutes long. As always though, Mike found a creative way of incorporating these images in a fun, over-the-top, carnival-style.”The video is set to the song Goons & Greasepaint from the award-winning Carnival Arcane CD and features over a hundred clown images sent in by fans.
“Goons & Greasepaint” invade YouTube
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5 days ago
Restless souls and shadowy secrets... This Wednesday, "Horrifying Truths," a haunting new video story arrives on our YouTube Channel. Be sure to subscribe to us if you haven't already! Visual artist, Farzan Chapari has crafted a mysterious story incorporating immersive imagery and some very interesting musical selections from the Midnight Syndicate catalog. We think you'll enjoy it! ... See MoreSee Less
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For almost three decades, composers Edward Douglas and Gavin Goszka have been known as Midnight Syndicate, creating symphonic soundtracks to imaginary films that facilitate a transcendental and adventurous escape into the secret dimensions of the mind’s eye. To many of their fans, they are horror music pioneers with their genre-defying signature blend of gothic instrumental music and immersive sound effects. To others, they remain the haunt music icons that forever changed the haunted attractions and Halloween music industries while becoming a staple of the October holiday season. Still others, know them as the for their collaboration with Dungeons & Dragons and contributions to the use of music in the roleplaying games and development of the RPG music genre.