Midnight Syndicate and Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends are celebrating each of their 25th anniversaries together with a new live show and a special compilation album which includes new material.
Midnight Hour: 25 Years of HalloWeekends with Midnight Syndicate is a show that celebrates 25 years of collaboration between Midnight Syndicate and Cedar Point. The show runs multiple times daily Thursday through Sunday from September 15 through October 30th in the Jack Aldrich Theatre. On Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7pm, Midnight Syndicate will also be performing in Festival of Fear’s Opening Scarymoanies show at Celebration Plaza.
A special compilation album entitled HalloWeekends: 25 Years of Terror Together is now available. This album features Midnight Syndicate music from HalloWeekends’ 25-year history. It also includes a new song and remix guests can hear performed live in the Midnight Hour show. The album is currently available inside Cedar Point. The CD version is also available at the Cedar Point Online Store.
A line of exclusive merchandise is available inside Cedar Point at the Midnight Syndicate Merch Shop located outside the Aldrich Theatre and Mr. Midnight’s Fear Emporium. The new items include: hoodies, t-shirts, hats, tumblers, and other collectible items.
Cedar Point’s long-time Director of Communications, Tony Clark had this to say about this year’s collaboration:
HalloWeekends wouldn’t be the monster it is today without the haunting music of Midnight Syndicate. Since the beginning of Cedar Point’s signature fall event, their macabre melodies have crept through the halls of our mazes, been intertwined with our dark midways, and played loudly throughout our scare zones. Like their talents, Midnight Syndicate’s sounds are unmatched and we’re proud of our long history together.
Edward and Gavin will be available after most Midnight Hour shows to meet guests and sign merchandise. For more information on HalloWeekends, visit their official site.