Midnight Syndicate returns to Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends with new show inspired by “The Brimstone Club” album
Midnight Syndicate will be returning to Cedar Point‘s HalloWeekends in a brand new live show entitled, Echoes of the Brimstone Club featuring Midnight Syndicate. The show runs every Friday and Saturday from September 15th through October 28th. Performance times are 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30pm daily.
The show features music from the new album, The Brimstone Club, as well as several older fan favorites that have never been performed live before. Fans of previous shows can expect a brand new experience as the band will be performing outdoors in the center of the park on Celebration Plaza Stage. A most strange troupe has been assembled to accompany them and provide guests with an extraordinary feast for the eyes. Also new this year, guests will be able to sample several Brimstone Club-inspired cocktails at the Brimstone Club Bar located inside Celebration Plaza.
In addition to having Midnight Syndicate merchandise, CDs, vinyl, and some limited-edition items for sale, Edward and Gavin will be available after most shows to meet and greet guests and sign items.