More awesome reviews for the Carnival Arcane CD are pouring in! This recent group includes one from an amusement park aficianados viewpoint (Behind The Thrills) as well as ones from a haunted house, home haunter, and Halloween historian’s perspective!
Behind the Thrills – “a very ambitious album that hits the mark every single time on every single track – keeping you guessing, and leading you down paths in ways you never thought Midnight Syndicate would take you.”
Haunt off the Press – “Midnight Syndicate has another masterpiece on their hands with CARNIVAL ARCANE … it truly is one hell of an adventure.”
Terror from Beyond the Daves – “…this is a must-have for your collection! The music at times is genuinely creepy and yet manages to hold on to the charm that only circus music can provide!”
Halloween Alliance – “…an essential album to add to your horror collection and powerful mood music while celebrating Halloween… ‘Carnival Arcane’ continues their grand, masterful tradition of storytelling with music, but is even more ambitious than all others – both in the depth, grandeur and creepiness of the music, and in the well-researched and accurate representation of what it would be like to visit a slightly shabby, sinister circus from the Victorian era.”