Track Listing
(Preview on YouTube and Spotify)

1. The Dead Matter Main Title
2. Dangerous Meeting
3. Entering the Dusk
4. Unexpected Company
5. Hollows Point
6. Ian McCallister
7. Seance
8. Sebed Suite
9. Gretchen and Mark Pym
10. Late Night Snack
11. Possession
12. Death is the Answer
13. Trilec Labs
14. You’re so Funny Frank
15. Sleep
16. Finale
17. End Credit Suite
18. Lost (performed by Gavin Goszka)
19. The Graveyard (performed by Lazy Lane)
20. Shadows Haunt Rocker Remix (performed by Jerry Vayne with Midnight Syndicate)
21. The Dead Matter (performed by Eternal Legacy
22. The Girl Upstairs (performed by Lazy Lane)
23. Noctem Aeternus Masquerade Remix (performed by Destini Beard with Midnight Syndicate)
24. Graveyard Dead and Buried Remix (performed by UV/Pat Berdysz with Midnight Syndicate)
25. Ritual (performed by hIPNOSTIC)
26. Sean is in the Ground